Policies & Documents

Admissions Policy PDF icon Download
Annual Governors Report to Parents 2022-2023 PDF icon Download
Attendance Policy PDF icon Download
CCTV Policy PDF icon Download
Complaints Procedure Policy PDF icon Download
Data Privacy Policy PDF icon Download
Data Protection Policy Wales PDF icon Download
Digital Strategy PDF icon Download
Educational Visits Policy PDF icon Download
Estyn Report - March 2017 PDF icon Download
FOIA Publication Scheme PDF icon Download
Health & Safety Policy PDF icon Download
Healthcare Needs Policy PDF icon Download
Home School Agreement PDF icon Download
Information Governance Policy PDF icon Download
Pupil Deprivation Grant 2024-2025 PDF icon Download
Safeguarding Policy PDF icon Download
School Behaviour Policy inc Code of Conduct Anti-Bullying Policy PDF icon Download
School Fund Regulations PDF icon Download
School Uniform Policy PDF icon Download
Snow & Bad Weather Policy PDF icon Download
Trauma Informed Relationships & Behaviour Policy PDF icon Download